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Network Security Assessment

Assess your security before the hackers do

​In a time where news of data breaches are becoming “the new normal,” the need for organizations to evaluate their overall risk and avoid becoming the next victim has become critical. Organizations simply can’t protect themselves from risks they’re unaware of. Additionally, many organizations are simply unsure where to start.

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Why Does Your Business Need a Penetration Test?

Vulnerability and penetration tests allow businesses to assess their cyber security posture based on realistic attack scenarios, which enables them to address issues that would be overlooked if they followed a solely defensive approach.

Demonstrate Real World Risk

Through safe simulation of a malicious threat actor to identify security vulnerabilities


Satisfy Legal and Regulatory Requirements or cyber insurance


Detailed reporting demonstrating identified risk in your environment along with recommendations to remediate the identified risks


Need help to tighten up your security? Our team of experts can assist in remediation of risk and hardening your security


Expose critical vulnerabilities that could allow threat actors to break into your network in order to access, encrypt, steal, leak or sell your valuable data.

Threat Severity Rankings

Threat findings and observations are categorized by severity levels to assist organizations in prioritizing remediation efforts based on risk.

Save time and maximize your IT teams efforts

- Detailed Observations
- Severity ratings
- Security Impact explanations
- Evidence of the vulnerability
- Recommendations for remediation.

Test your security defenses

Penetration testing simulates a hacker’s actions to test your defenses by looking for sensitive data, performing exploits, conducting man-in-the-middle attacks, cracking password hashes, escalating privileges and even impersonating users to find sensitive data.   

Pen Tests go beyond just identifying vulnerability by actually exploiting them to demonstrate what could happen if a hacker exploited your network.

Post reporting gives you full details on the discovered exploits so they can be remediated to keep your network safe.

Detailed Evidence based actionable results.

Evidenced based reporting

See detailed breakdown tests preformed against known exploits used to idenify gaps in your security posture

Actional Recommendations

Recommendations to remediate the identified vulnerabilities in your environment

Proactive, not reactive

With cybersecurity, its better to be proactive than reactive.  Our team of security specialists will help identify your security vulnerabilities before the malicious attackers do.

Stay Proactive and learn more about a vulnerability scan for your business

Book a meeting or Contact us to find out how we can help plan your next project

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